Waterfall Magic Girl
Thailand culture...

At the waterfalls nearby Trang. Sometimes I just can't stop shooting (photographing) a girl. It's natural. I'm just completely impressed. :-)

Checking her weight. These little machines are great money earners. They cost 1 baht to check someone's weight. I observe them being used often. If the owner was getting 200 people a day it would be a good little business.

Stay tuned for more great people shots...
I've come to the conclusion that there must be something in the water in this country. Everyone gets a dose of it. And you know that I speak from my own observations here. I'm generalizing. And I hope my generalizations are 'within the scope of reality...'
And what's in the water? Friendliness. The Thai's over-deliver with friendliness. It sticks to them like war paint.
It's like, the culture embraces the smile. But where did this 'happiness' come from? How can a country 'seem' to be so friendly and warming to others? And why do I notice it here and not in other countries I have travelled to?
Good questions...
The Thais are, of course, much like, you and me. It's just that, here, in this country, I feel that the 'western psychological stress' we westerners carry and grow up with, well, it seems that here in Thailand, that stress doesn't exist...
That's not to say Thai's don't get stressed out or go postal or stuff like that. They do. It's just that the people I meet and associate with, more often than not, are very friendly and open and great to be with.
It's of course a lot to do with me and how I approach people, and also probably more importantly... who I approach.
Imagine growing up in a culture where smiling and friendliness are present in abundance, all the time. That's pretty special. It blows me away.
With love from Trang...
The White Ape

At the waterfalls nearby Trang. Sometimes I just can't stop shooting (photographing) a girl. It's natural. I'm just completely impressed. :-)

Checking her weight. These little machines are great money earners. They cost 1 baht to check someone's weight. I observe them being used often. If the owner was getting 200 people a day it would be a good little business.

Stay tuned for more great people shots...
I've come to the conclusion that there must be something in the water in this country. Everyone gets a dose of it. And you know that I speak from my own observations here. I'm generalizing. And I hope my generalizations are 'within the scope of reality...'
And what's in the water? Friendliness. The Thai's over-deliver with friendliness. It sticks to them like war paint.
It's like, the culture embraces the smile. But where did this 'happiness' come from? How can a country 'seem' to be so friendly and warming to others? And why do I notice it here and not in other countries I have travelled to?
Good questions...
The Thais are, of course, much like, you and me. It's just that, here, in this country, I feel that the 'western psychological stress' we westerners carry and grow up with, well, it seems that here in Thailand, that stress doesn't exist...
That's not to say Thai's don't get stressed out or go postal or stuff like that. They do. It's just that the people I meet and associate with, more often than not, are very friendly and open and great to be with.
It's of course a lot to do with me and how I approach people, and also probably more importantly... who I approach.
Imagine growing up in a culture where smiling and friendliness are present in abundance, all the time. That's pretty special. It blows me away.
With love from Trang...
The White Ape