Trang Condensed Milk
Thailand culture...
Yes I am an artist. My little friend lives nearby. Sometimes, when the need calls for it, I drink condensed milk. Straight outa' da can. Not often, but it does happen. It's a habit I picked up in Australia. Artists do these things, right.
Whatever. This is my kitchen in my home. Strange? Probably.

Now this picture (below) is my home in Trang. What I mean is that I rent this home. 4000 baht a month it costs me to rent. That's not a huge amount of US dollars. 2 bathrooms, 2 floors, 2 bedrooms and one overgrown garden.
See the garage on the right side? Can't see a vehicle, right?
...The Porsche is getting serviced.

Now this image is... wait for it... a picture of Trang.
I know you knew that, but I just needed to be clear. It's better if we are all clear before I start going into depth about this town and Thailand culture and Thai lifestyle...

It's just better, that's all...
Hey -> happy new year from Thailand...
The White Ape
Yes I am an artist. My little friend lives nearby. Sometimes, when the need calls for it, I drink condensed milk. Straight outa' da can. Not often, but it does happen. It's a habit I picked up in Australia. Artists do these things, right.
Whatever. This is my kitchen in my home. Strange? Probably.

Now this picture (below) is my home in Trang. What I mean is that I rent this home. 4000 baht a month it costs me to rent. That's not a huge amount of US dollars. 2 bathrooms, 2 floors, 2 bedrooms and one overgrown garden.
See the garage on the right side? Can't see a vehicle, right?
...The Porsche is getting serviced.

Now this image is... wait for it... a picture of Trang.
I know you knew that, but I just needed to be clear. It's better if we are all clear before I start going into depth about this town and Thailand culture and Thai lifestyle...

It's just better, that's all...
Hey -> happy new year from Thailand...
The White Ape